How to set better goals for 2018

by - January 01, 2018

Goal setting is important to focus on what you want to achieve and on the things that matter. Remember to revisit your goals at least annually to check that they are still in line with your short-term and long-term vision.

There are 5 keys to goal setting:
1. Decide on a system, e.g. SMART goals
2. Your goals must be in writing.
3. Create an action plan to achieve your goals. Break it down into measurable actions.
4. Schedule these actions into your planner and to-do-list.
5. Stick with your goals. Remember why you set them.

I use the SMART-system when setting goals:
1. S = Specific
Goals must be clear and specific. Know what it is and how you can break it down into actions.
2. M = Measurable
You must allocate a measurement to your goals to monitor progress.
3. A = Attainable
Your goals must be achievable. If you cannot achieve it, you set yourself up for failure.
4. R = Relevant
Your goals must send you in the direction of achieving your vision. Therefore, the goals must be relevant to the vision.
5. T = Time-bound
A timeline must be allocated to your goals in order for you to measure whether you are on track with achieving your goals.

May you achieve your dreams and goals this year. Wishing you an amazing 2018.
Happy organizing!

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